Friday, February 4, 2011

Holes in my Coffee Catcher

It might be a good thing, and it certainly could be a blues song.

In the run-up to competition (upcoming post on that) I began to experiment with deliberately increasing interaction between the compressed bed and the pre-infused water in the double Coffee Catcher technique. Results were frustratingly inconsistent, but sometimes fantastic, bringing out more juiciness and body with some coffees than I could get with a non-perforated Coffee Catcher. About a week before Brewers Cup, I made one of my best coffees ever using a perforated double catcher technique with 49th Parallel's Blue Batak coffee.

The first-round coffee for Brewers Cup seemed to over-extract with a perforated Catcher, so I went with a fully-sealed top Coffee Catcher for the first round, and that was (obviously) a good choice. In the finals, I struggled to dial in my coffee of choice, and eventually went with a perforated Coffee Catcher. I didn't get the consistency I wanted between three French presses, but I think the extractions were still better with that particular coffee than I would have gotten with a fully sealed Coffee Catcher.

File this under puzzles I haven't solved yet.
The hole is longer and narrower than the head of a screw.

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