Wednesday, June 9, 2010

French Press Throwdown Details

For those readers interested in competing in the Kaffeologie French Press Throwdown on June 18th (which coincides with the Coffee Catcher Launch Event), here are the competition details: *
  1. Coffee: bring your own, but we will have some of our personal favorites if you forget yours.
  2. Equipment: Grinders, timers, cups and water provided. Bring your own press and any technique-specific equipment. We will have extra presses if you forget yours.
  3. Start: A little after 7 PM (party starts at 6).
  4. Prizes: If it's ready, 1st prize receives the very first Kaffeologie French press! Otherwise, a set of Coffee Catchers (medium and large). Prizes will also include coffee and swag from sponsors. Second and third prizes will be awarded.
  5. Time: 15 minutes to dial in, brew and serve your coffee. To keep things moving, you'll warm up as the person ahead of you is brewing and serving.
  6. Structure: high score over the evening wins.
  7. Cup Criteria: each factor to be assessed on a 1-5 scale, giving 20 points per judge, or 60 points overall.
       A. Clarity - a coffee's ability to hold multiple distinct flavors
       B. Roundness - the opposite of a sharp flavor
       C. Mouth feel - a coffee's feel in the mouth apart from flavor
       D. Audacity - points for bravery in technique or coffee choice
* Thanks to Throwdown Judge, Sam Lewontin (@coffeeandbikes) for helping lay out the competition criteria. The rest of the judging panel to be announced shortly.

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